Chair's Message

Hello, welcome to Polymer and Color Engineering Department. A place where you with the help of my colleagues get to know the amazing world of polymers and the language of color and try to discover its secrets. Hope your trip is fruitful and safe.
The department of Polymer and Color Engineering is proud to continuously benefit from its valuable professors, students and staff in the attractive fields of polymer and color science and engineering to flourish. While providing outstanding scientific achievements; through our graduates, we expand the boundaries of science and knowledge to implement their industry-oriented ideas. 
Graduates of this department are sometimes studying and researching in different universities of the world, and others are playing a role in the country's industry. 
We hope with you we can set higher goals and conquer even higher peaks.
y colleagues believe that the most important thing in the world is to help the future generation and they all will be by your side so that your passion for education and your efforts will be rewarded. 

We are proud of your success.
Dr. Morteza Ebrahimi
Chair of Polymer Engineering Department

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